Friday, March 14, 2008

Livestock Show

I took my daughter and her friend along with my two nephews to the Houston Livestock Show earlier this week. We had free tickets and only had to pay for parking. We were told when we got there that we would have to leave at 3:30. (I don't know if it is that way every day, or just that day.) The man who drove our tram said it was because they would need the parking later that evening.

We went in to see the horses first thing. We were disappointed that it was a switch day, so we were not able to see any. We did stop in on our way out at 3 and saw a few people that had come in and were getting a little practice in. So we headed on over to the Agventure.

This place is set up for kids and it was great fun. There you can see cows , rabbits, pigs, lambs, baby chicks being hatched and those that had just hatched. There were some brand new piglets and lambs this week. There is a petting zoo . There is a milking demonstration. It is fun for the kids to get to look around at their own pace and see the animals and demonstrations. My youngest nephew was very interested in the spinning and weaving demonstration.

Outside you can find the pig races , the stick horse rodeo and the carnival. We missed out on most of these attractions because it poured down rain all afternoon! In spite of the weather there is a lot to see and do and it turns out to be a pleasant day for all ages.

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